Best Methodologies For Mobile App Development

Over nine billion people are mobile users today. Mobile apps are a necessity today. 

Planning, documenting, and executing. We have been following traditional mobile app development methodologies for many years. But now that everything has been more advanced and the technology has changed, new methods have come into action. These methods are improved and tested positive by the IT industry.

So here are few methods that are the best mobile app development methods executed in the market.,

1. Agile methodology

Agile technology is mainly focused on reducing risk factors. They were executed as short cycles of 2 to 3weeks each. At each interval of the process, the app development team reports the feedback and results back to the clients. When necessary, they apply necessary changes upon the customers’ input, which gives the customer an advantage over the application development process. There are several steps to execute to ensure we create a fully-fledged product.

  • The app development doesn’t complete at the first cycle; it’s a process of the whole story over several cycles to get a fully functional product.
  • Each bike makes the app development better until it’s fully equipped.
  • The development team delivers the results and feedback to clients to go further with the client’s consultation.

What are the advantages of agile methodology?

The reason why this methodology is one of the best is that the planning and execution are strict.

Even though it might seem like a complicated process at the start, you can divide the development process and evaluate the quality step by step with this methodology. You can construct a plan on each step accordingly and solve bug problems at each stage. The keen and strict planning will deliver the results excellent and perfect to the clients. This method, if implemented correctly, can also save time and resources. Since the process is separated into multiple tasks, it is much easier and suitable while correcting the mistakes and making necessary changes in the mobile application.

Because of this methodology, the risk error reports are reduced to a negligible level at the end. Ensure always to communicate with clients to discuss the process’s details and seek their counsel when necessary. Do not go out of your will, and design the app according to your preference. If the client demands a change of any feature in the app, it shall be done without disturbing the development process. As the developer, make sure the client is aware of every action taken in app development.

2. Scrum methodology

Scrum methodology, just like agile methodology, is more rigid. This methodology demands combined team effort and dedication, With the team leader guiding the team ensuring this methodology is executed correctly. Have you heard about this famous phrase, divide and conquer? The basic principle that the scrum methodology is built upon is dividing the tasks and optimizing the product. In scrum methodology, we can divide the development process and split them into several studies. The team leader should circulate the team members’ functions; you can execute the tasks one by one. The team should be delivering better results altogether and seeking feedback from customers on each stage.

What Are The Advantages Of Scrum Methodology?

We are eliminating opportunities for more than one interpretation of application development. The framework of this methodology is quite effortless. We only need to understand each team member’s roles and the do and don’ts they should obey while working.

The high productivity at low cost and faster results are essential advantages of scrum methodology. By executing this methodology, we are providing satisfaction among the clients and increasing team morale and efforts.

Since we can split the process, Scrum is fit for more oversized scale products. At the same time, every organization brings accountability to the employees.

Make sure to set out a schedule and deadline for each task distributed among the team members. Make sure there are transparency and control over the development.

Don’t forget to motivate and support the team in the process.

3. Kanban methodology

Kanban is a continuous process that will not come with too much work for the development team members. Just like Scrum, kanban is the type of methodology that brings the team to work together.

There are several features like the kanban board in this methodology that make it unique. From beginning to end, In kanban, board work products and tasks are visualized for the team to track progress. A well-organized work strategy is the highlight of kanban methodology.

This methodology increases productivity and motivation among team members. It helps the team managers to evaluate and fix the problems.

What Are The Advantages Of Kanban Methodology?

  • Flexibility when it comes to organizing plans.
  • Focus oriented on tasks. 
  • Client priorities are essential.
  • Delivering maximum value to the clients.

The team focuses on finishing one task at a time. The client feedback and their suggestions are given very much importance. Kanban lets your imagination fly to deliver the product of maximum value.

The team focuses on analyzing the development problems, and once it’s done, and will be solved.

Any tasks that are stalling or not finished will be displayed on the kanban board. Efficiency is maximized, and productivity is increased. Instead of pushing the work, there will be less burden on the team compared to traditional methods.

Kanban executes the pull-system among the developers.

4. Waterfall methodology

Rigid and strict planning is the main feature of the waterfall methodology. The project follows another in one direction; we can only start one task after finishing another. It is designed to be a long and straight cycle. Team managers are responsible for organizing and executing the lessons in order.

They have to organize the tasks one after another according to the urgency and requirements of the functions. If it hasn’t been implemented correctly, the project team has to start the process repeatedly. Tracking the progress of the operation will be helpful to avoid repetition for team leaders.

What Are The Advantages Of Waterfall Methodology?

Keen and organized, and the team can understand the clear view of the plan. Waterfall methodology concerning other methods, concentrates on methodical planning. 

  • The desired outcome and the process are clear to the team members.
  • The process is effortless and easy to manage.
  • There will be Q&A tests to get feedback from customers.
  • Bug reports solved right away.


It is a complex process to understand the kind of app development that suits your team and the project.

Understanding and evaluating the necessities of the project will make you understand what suits best for your team. Sometimes you can choose any of the methodologies, and other times when the project is unique, you have to understand the requirements before you jump into anything. Successful execution of your project should be your number one goal.

If you have any doubts or consultation, you can email us or visit our website.

We will guide you through your app development and ensure the success of your project.