With the release of V1.2, ionic announced the support for SwiperJs with the new directive ion-slides. The older ion-slidebox will be deprecated over the new ion-slides. As there was very less documentation and a lot of developers confused on how to get an instance of the swiper in your controller, I decided to write this blog post.
Here’s the forum where I posted the original answer
AngularJS Controller
![How to implement SwiperJs slides with IONIC 1.x 1 How to use ion-slides in IONIC](https://squashwebsiteprod-b8a4gfcqgmh2fmfn.westus-01.azurewebsites.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Screen-Shot-2016-07-05-at-11.39.04-AM-300x169-1.png)
![How to implement SwiperJs slides with IONIC 1.x 2 Screen Shot 2016 07 05 at 11.38.31 AM 300x103 1](https://squashwebsiteprod-b8a4gfcqgmh2fmfn.westus-01.azurewebsites.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Screen-Shot-2016-07-05-at-11.38.31-AM-300x103-1.png)
- It can be made much more extensible. The different options available for the swiper like effect, speed ..etc is here (Look under Swiper parameters)
- Take a look at the api docs here
- Awesome Swiper Demos here
- Here’s an example gist