A dive into “Vuex” !


Let’s meet our hero – “The Vuex”! Vuex is a state management library that is used commonly in vue.js. But why do we use it? Vuex is very much useful in passing the data from one component to another component. We can pass data from the parent component to child component using props, but when […]

Debounce And Throttle in Javascript


The greatest concern faced by UI developers is the performance issues in situations where functions are being executed excessively and in some cases unnecessarily There are two ways in order to control the execution of functions using Debounce and Throttle, which come in handy when on handling events such as mouse scroll or window resizing. […]

AngularJs SEO with Prerender.io


Built a beautiful, snappy, user-friendly website using AngularJS, and now you want more users to start browsing it. But, AngularJS which fully embraces the asynchronous model creates problems for Google’s crawlers and this is how the google indexes an angularJs sites: Obviously, this is not what you want your users to view. Now what do we […]

What really is Javascript’s Event Loop


All of us know Javascript is a “single-threaded non-blocking asynchronous concurrent language, It has a call stack, an event loop, a callback queue, some other apis and stuffs” . We have also heard about V8 – Chrome’s Javascript runtime engine. Many of us have known already about Javascript’s Event loop, but for the newbies this must be […]

How to implement SwiperJs slides with IONIC 1.x


With the release of V1.2, ionic announced the support for SwiperJs with the new directive ion-slides. The older ion-slidebox will be deprecated over the new ion-slides. As there was very less documentation and a lot of developers confused on how to get an instance of the swiper in your controller, I decided to write this blog […]

Top 9 mistakes to avoid for Angular v1 developers


AngularJs has seen a tremendous improvement over the last couple of years. With a strong core team, thousands of supporting modules in the ecosystem and backed by Google, AngularJs is the most favourite UI javascript library currently! But ‘with great powers comes great responsibilities!‘ More and more developers are flocking to AngularJs everyday and it becomes more important to understand the […]